Saturday, July 7, 2007

Another week of waiting

Yep, another week has passed with no good news really. I did talk to my insurance company about switching to a PPO as Barix suggested that would help. According to my insurance company, if Barix surgeons are "out of network" it doesn't matter if I'm PPO or HMO...either way I'm going to be paying out of pocket for their services. At least, that's what I think they told me. Who knows with that insurance lingo!

SO...I started to really look at other surgeons that accept my insurance and are listed on the OH website. I've found several who do the surgery and accept my insurance...the problem I'm finding is that they all use "regular" hospitals to perform the surgery. I really like the idea that WLS is all Barix does....that there are no (or at least less) nasty infections floating around, that the equipment is over-sized etc. On the positive side...I guess if there are any serious complications I'd prefer to be in a regular hospital with all their resources. Also, Barix is over an hour away from my home...and I could probably find a Dr. closer.

There is one Dr. in particular (Dr. Gus Slotman) who's close by and has wonderful reviews on the OH I'll be checking into him. I did find that there is a surgeon at Barix who appears to accept my insurance (Dr. Neil Marymor) but he doesn't do lap rny...only open. Open surgery is still too scary sounding to me right now. They also had a Dr. Alan Brader who was there and would have been a great candidate, but it looks as though he's moved somewhere else now. I'm surprised by the number of surgeons I see people have used and then they move on and the patients are left w/o a doctor. That sucks. I think it's important that I find a surgeon who will at least be around for a couple years to do followups etc. I'm sure there's no guarantees there...but I do plan to at least ask when I get down to someone I'm really considering.

SO...I'm on the hunt for a new center/surgeon...I don't want to put all my eggs in the Barix basket...especially since I've never even been there! They just have such awesome reviews by their patients.

Still reading and researching...learning all that I'm in for with this surgery. I go see my primary Dr. next week, so I'll find out her opinion. That should be interesting. I've never actually discussed my weight with a Dr. before. How weird is that? You'd think one of them over the years would have at least approached the subject.

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